The Parent's Summit 2019

 The Parent’s Summit 2019

revised: July 02, 2018



The Parent’s Summit is a premier one-day live simulcast event held by Woodlands Church in Plover, WI to equip, encourage and resource parents of all ages and stages. Our vision is to see churches throughout the country come along side parents and help them develop parenting skills and abilities which will then allow both the parents and the children to be increasingly effective disciples of Christ. Our content is Christ-centered, practical and broadly applicable.


This simulcast agreement helps to frame out the relationship between simulcasting churches and the host church. Our hope and prayer is that this would be a ‘guarding document’ – that it would prevent misunderstanding or conflict.


Read through the following items – we think it gives a great overview of what the simulcast process looks like. If everything looks good, you can signal your agreement by submitting the simulcast form at, and by paying your deposit. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate: Thanks!




This AGREEMENT establishes the commitment, expectations, and relationship between THE PARENT’S SUMMIT ("TPS"), a ministry of Woodlands Church, located at 190 Hoover Ave, Plover, WI 54467, and the organization listed at the end of this document ("Host Site").


Host Site Obligations


Prior to completing this agreement the Host Site Coordinator will receive permission to host the 2019 Parent’s Summit (EVENT) from the appropriate local leadership at the Host Site (for example the Senior Pastor, Lead Pastor, Governing Board, Council of Elders or other responsible party).

The Host Site agrees not to schedule other competing activities while conducting the Event. This will help attendees and volunteers focus strictly on the Event.

The Host Site acknowledges that other churches in their area may choose to host the Event and TPS does not impose geographic boundaries. Our desire is that churches will work together to reach parents in their city, focusing on parents already associated with a local church.

The Host Site recognizes that TPS may exclude from the Event any Host Site whose teaching and/or practice does not align with the Woodlands Church Statement of Faith.


The Host Site will assign an overall coordinator (referred to as the Host Site Coordinator) who will work with a TPS Site Liaison (see below) in organizing and promoting the Event.

The Host Site will provide contract information for those people filling TPS-recommended roles including a minimum of a Host Site Coordinator (ideally a church staff person), a Technical Coordinator, a Promotional Coordinator and a Prayer Coordinator. Those roles are outlined below.


Host Site Coordinator is responsible for the overall event management and planning, the Host Site Coordinator is also responsible for day of hosting (or appointing someone else to fill that role).

Technical Coordinator oversees all the technical areas of the event, including the full-paths test and day-of livestream.

Promotional Coordinator is responsible for sharing about TPS throughout the local church and community.

Prayer Coordinator is actively engaged in prayer for TPS, agrees to receive regular TPS prayer updates and invites others within the church into prayer for TPS.

Resourcing Coordinator (optional) helps expand the reach of TPS event through local resources and connections.

A single person can fill multiple roles.

The Host Site will communicate initial contact information for their Host Site Team, and any significant changes in their team to TPS as soon as possible.

Site Liaison

Upon approval, each Host Site will be assigned a Site Liaison – a member of TPS Simulcast Team who will be the primary contact for all simulcast questions.

The Liaison will help guide the Host Site in making the most of the Event and answer any questions.

Communication between the Host Site Coordinator and the Site Liaison will happen primarily over email.

Please keep in mind your Site Liaisons may be volunteers, who will do their best to answer, or find answers, to questions within a reasonable amount of time. If they cannot answer your question, they will do what’s necessary to find an appropriate answer.


TPS is an expensive event to produce, and Woodlands Church needs to be wise about covering our financial obligations. At the same time, we never want finances to prohibit a site from simulcasting. Therefore, we offer two pricing options. You may choose which option is most convenient for your church.

All churches pay a $250 deposit at time of contract, which is charged against your final invoiced amount.

Flat Fee: You choose to pay a flat fee based on the size of your church. For churches with less than 300 average weekly attendees, it is a $500 flat rate, plus $6/attendee beyond the first 30. For churches with more than 300 average weekly attendees, it is a $1000 flat rate, plus $6 per attendee beyond the first 75.

Ex: A church of 250 average attendees has 35 parents attend the Parent’s Summit. The final invoiced amount is: $500 fee, plus $30 scaling printing cost, less $250 deposit = $280 final invoiced amount.

Ex: A church of 560 average attendees has 25 parents attend the Parent’s Summit. The final invoiced amount is: $1000 fee, less $250 deposit = $750 final invoiced amount.

Scaling Fee: You chose to cover a per-attendee fee of $25/attendee.

Ex: A church of 250 average attendees has 35 parents attend the Parent’s Summit. The final invoiced amount is: 35 attendees x $25 (=$875) dollars, less the $250 deposit = $625.

Ex: A church of 560 average attendees has 25 parents attend the  


Parent’s Summit. The final invoiced amount is: 25 attendees x $25 (=$625), less the $250 deposit = $375.

You can choose whichever pricing model you wish, but upon agreement to this contract and selecting a model, that choice will be fixed. This will enable your planning and our planning.

TPS recommends Host Sites charge an admissions fee to the Event. This helps present the value of the Event to the attendees.

The Host Site is more than welcome to charge attendees a fee different than $25. For instance, if you want to subsidize the cost, and only charge attendees $10 and cover the remainder of the attendance cost from church budget lines, that’s fine. Conversely, if you wish to charge a premium fee and use the extra amount to buy additional resources and tools, that’s welcome as well.

No less than eight days prior to the Event, on Friday, February 15th, the Host Site is required to submit a final count of expected attendees at the Host Site. This will be used to calculate total materials shipped as well as the final invoiced amount.

You are welcome to estimate higher than current registration, but your shipping amount and invoice amount will reflect the submitted number. We encourage churches to budget accordingly. Your attendance limit is capped at the number you specify on February 15th, barring pre-arranged exemptions with TPS.

A final event invoice will be mailed one week prior to the Event, and will need to be paid within two weeks of the Event.


The Host Site will provide a clean gathering area and restrooms for the duration of the Event. The Host Site will provide a gathering area with seating, lighting, sound, and projection environments conducive to broadcasting the Event.

For attendance of 75 and less, TPS recommends circular tables and an environment conducive toward note taking and community. For larger events, TPS recommends row seating.


TPS will host a “Full Paths Test” during the evening on or about Thursday, January 31st, which will be a one-hour live streamed event to test equipment. The Host Site should test the internet bandwidth in their gathering area by using the test stream. Recommended bandwidth for streaming is 10 Mbps down.

The Host Site should keep in mind that a large number of attendees simultaneously using Wi-Fi or the Host Site’s internet can have an adverse effect on bandwidth availability during the event. If the test feed is found to be choppy or minimally manageable, the Host Site should upgrade their bandwidth.

If the Host Site finds the Internet bandwidth inadequate or non-existent in their gathering area, the Host Site agrees to purchase, install, and/or upgrade the Internet connection in order to properly broadcast the Event at their facility.

The Host Site Technical Coordinator will confirm via email and in coordination with other local technical experts as needed - that the Host Site can receive, and properly project, the Internet streaming video feed in the gathering area planned for the Event.

The Host Site Technical Coordinator will confirm- along with other technical experts as needed- that they will be available on-site during the Event.


While we simulcast TPS so that your local church community can take advantage of the great content, we also recommend that you promote the Summit


throughout your community and use it as an outreach event and resource. As a result:

The Host Site is encouraged to promote the Event to the fullest extent possible in their area.

The Host Site is encouraged to post the 15 posters included throughout their area.

The Host Site agrees to use TPS-provided artwork and promotional items to promote the Event.

The Host Site is encouraged to explore radio advertising in the area, as well as any other promotional means. TPS can provide the Host Site with radio ads and/or verbiage, as well as additional consulting in the area.


The Host Site is strongly encouraged to provide a resource area for their attendees, such as local governmental agencies, camps, child care facilities and businesses that area parents might find helpful. The Host Site should invite such organizations to set up tables to promote their resources for parents. This should be coordinated through the optional Resource Coordinator.

TPS will provide a generic list of local resources and businesses to contact.

The Host Site should not charge for local resource tables, but provide these free of charge for the betterment of parents.

The Host Site will work with resource partners whose aims and goals do not conflict with those of the TPS or conflict with the EFCA Statement of Faith (available here).


The Host Site and TPS will use email as the primary form of communication leading up to the Event.

The Host Site agrees to receive e-mail updates from both TPS and Woodlands Church.

The Host Site recognizes that TPS is largely staffed by volunteers and therefore may not be as responsive during normal working hours, especially well in advance of the Event.

The Host Site will communicate with the TPS team members assigned to the Host Site to work through problems or issues before the Event.


The Host Site recognizes that the Event is a one-time, one-day experience and although the Host Site might be in a different city, state, time zone, or country, the Event happens only on the fourth Saturday of February, and starts live at 9am CST.

The Host Site agrees not to delay the broadcast more than four hours.

The Host Site agrees that it is prohibited to record, reproduce, or distribute the broadcast, or any portions of it, for internal or external use without express written consent from TPS.


In the event of cancellation, after the signing of this document, the Host Site will be responsible for the full amount of the deposit ($250).


TPS Obligations



TPS will list the Host Site online at and provide as much


information on that site as is available.

TPS will provide downloadable promotional resources online.

TPS will provide each host site with a minimum of 15 physical posters, event booklets for each attendee, as estimated by the Host Site, during the event, as well as other materials including resources, handouts, nametags and in some select cases, banners and book resources.


TPS will provide guidebooks to assist the Host Site in the planning process for the Event.

TPS will provide other schedules and tools online to assist the Host Site in planning.


TPS will partner with a streaming service provider to provide a high quality video stream and technical assistance throughout the Event.

TPS will provide a rehearsal with technical support a few days prior to the Event

TPS will make technical support available the day of the Event from 8am to 7pm CST via online group chat. No technical support will be provided after the day of the Event.

Additional Terms

If the broadcast of the Event is substantially prevented by reason of an act of God, strike, lockout, law, regulation or ordinance, war or terrorism, or by any other circumstance beyond the control of TPS, the failure of such performance will be excused and this Agreement deemed suspended during the continuation of such circumstance. TPS will make reasonable efforts to provide a program similar to the Event at a later date of its choosing. The substitution may be in the format of a DVD or online archive video stream, rather than a live production.