Parent's Summit Mission and Values


To equip, encourage and resource local parents and the local church.


The Parent’s Summit exists to provide an excellent parenting event for your local church that can transform the lives of your congregation. We have 7 values that go into the development and guide our event. They are:


The world has no shortage of excellent parenting tips, tricks, ideas and theories. We will cover many of them. But there is no substitute for a heart fully focused on Christ – no greater blessing than the freedom found in Jesus’ gospel. Among all the resources, advice and challenges will be Christ – our hope, sanity and salvation.


From our full day event, materials and content, web presence, and production, everything we do we will do with excellence. We value your time and you deserve a high quality event.


We will not hide behind Instagram filters. As parents, our frustration, exhaustion, and confusion are not excuses, but reality. We will honestly and authentically address and acknowledge them.


We want to challenge ourselves to grow. Not because the bar is set too low, but because the importance of our parenting is so high. In a world which has become full of permissive grace: “It’s hard so you don’t need to try”, we want to loudly proclaim, “It is hard, so let’s try harder together!”


There will be truths that engage the heart, stir the imagination and awaken the soul, but this event will not end solely with an emotional experience. The Parent’s Summit will provide practical take-aways that leave a parent saying, “I can do this!”  It is not just about how we feel, it is about what we do.

Energizing and Hopeful

When you leave the Summit, you should not be dreading the re-entry into parenting life. Instead, our desire is to leave you looking towards the future interactions with your kids with joy, excitement, and passion. The Summit seeks to equip not only in theory, but with energizing hope.


At the end of it all, the Summit is about connecting – parents to parents, parents to local churches, and parents to resources. If every value is met and yet parents walk alone, we will have accomplished little for the long term. We are better together.